#新式外來居留人口統一證號 110年1月
不但降低各種困擾,並增加對我國的歸屬感,外國朋友也能夠順暢地進行各類 #網路購物、 #訂票、 #醫療掛號 等與日常生活息息相關的各項服務🙌
國發會亦將持續推動 #雙語國家政策 及 #攬才留才政策 等
📍Introduction to the New UI No. of Foreign Nationals
➪ https://youtu.be/-6qCkzeV8AM
#新式外來人口統一證號 #友善外國人生活 #攬才
【No more impediments for foreign residents using an ARC to book transport, shop online, or register to see a doctor!】
January 2021 brings the official launch of a new UI No. format for foreign residents!
In the past, foreign friends have often been vexed by inconveniences stemming from the UI No. format of ARCs, as has been communicated to the government through the ECCT, AmCham, and other organizations. The NDC has held multiple consultations with the National Immigration Agency and other relevant agencies on achieving a solution to this problem. Now, at last, from January 2, 2021, the problem will be solved by the issuance of a new UI No. format for resident permits!
The new UI No. format matches the national ID card number format. Instead of beginning with two English letters, it starts with a single English letter followed by a nine-digit number, the same as citizen ID cards. Apart from removing all kinds of difficulties for foreign residents, it will also give them a stronger sense of belonging in Taiwan. The new UI No. can be used without a hitch to utilize all kinds of everyday services such as booking seats on public transport, buying things online, making medical appointments, and more.
The NDC has made a strong commitment to helping foreigners fit into life in Taiwan. Besides setting up a platform for addressing problems relating to the use of ARCs, it has also orchestrated the amendment of various regulations to provide ARCs with the same legal validity as foreign passports for the purpose of identifying the holder. The NDC has also held numerous meetings over the past two years to secure funding and coordinate solutions to problems of ARC utility.
The NDC will continue promoting the bilingual nation policy along with measures for talent recruitment and retention, to create a welcoming environment, give foreign friends a heightened sense of belonging in Taiwan, and make our country a gathering hub for talent from around the world!
#New UI No. format #Foreigner-friendly #Talent recruitment
national id number台灣 在 小胖子的陽春麵 Facebook 的最佳貼文
重要的事先說, 我當然贊成維護中華民國的尊嚴
但我也提醒 : 這裡面的水還很深, 目前有很多可能
簡單描述我看到的 :
1. 中華民國國慶海外慶祝是每年都辦, 中共也每年都會蒐證;
2. 今年似乎是第一次傳出要進入會場拍照, 為何今年特別鬧出事情? 進醫院的驗傷報告可信嗎? (想想當初拔管自掐哥)
3. 想想今年國慶, 蔡英文才說著要放軟, 一改年初選舉的強硬, 結果10月8日冒出事情 現在10/19才說? 是過往都有類似衝突事件, 還是今年特別? 根據斐濟新聞, 是台灣方面先阻止中共蒐證 (https://www.fijivillage.com/news/Police-investigate-a-complaint-of-staff-of-the-Chinese-Embassy-allegedly-assaulted-by-a-Taipei-Trade-Office-employee-fx854r)
4. 想想一次世界大戰就是奧地利王儲被暗殺, 之後引發外交衝突, 換言之, 外交衝突是可以引發戰爭的, 這次這樣搞 可能還不夠大到引戰, 卻可以塑造中共的惡霸形象, 對誰有利? 不禁望向深陷選戰中的川普, 已經到不放震撼彈就打不贏選戰的川普, 會不會故意扯一場1995閏八月以來最嚴重台海威脅來挽救他自己的選情?
5. 曾經專人專機小豬送暖給希拉蕊的蔡英文現在應該是死抱著川普大腿, 吸住不放, 連美豬睪丸都可以吃, #蔡英文會不會拿全台灣百姓來賭川普勝選進而台灣與美國加深外交關係?
It is alleged that the Taipei Trade Office worker had assaulted the Chinese Embassy staff on October 8th 2020 at the Grand Pacific Hotel in Suva during the 109th National Day of the Republic of China (Taiwan). Police say the Chinese Embassy staff has claimed that he was allegedly assaulted while trying to enter the venue of the event.
Naisoro says there is no report of the Taipei Trade Office employee getting assaulted.
She says the number of people involved will be determined in the investigation as the lodged report deals with the alleged assault by the Taipei Trade Office worker.
national id number台灣 在 設計發浪Designsurfing Facebook 的精選貼文
稍微調查一下會發現其實目前先進國家對於國民身分證制度(National ID CARD)存廢有許多討論,有些國家如芬蘭、法國、瑞典和瑞士實行 #非強制性身分證(感謝網友曾沐雲與Maggie Ting 補充),有些國家如丹麥、挪威、冰島等地則是 #沒有身分證制度。美國沒有國民身分證卻有 ID CARD 制度,以能證明身分的駕照或記載社會安全碼的卡片等通行社會。日本則是從2015年開始推行記載著類似身分證字號的 my number卡。身分證如果目的是在證明自己留在這塊土地上的合法性,其實如同外國人在土地上居留一般,有張居留卡也就能主張自己權利,或者其他如健保卡、駕照等也能佐證一個人的身分。
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national id number台灣 在 台灣國護照貼紙Taiwan Passport Sticker - 【免簽都是中華民國 ... 的推薦與評價
大家也可以在AIT網站上完整「台灣關係法」(TAIWAN RELATIONS ACT) ... A: Please enter your Taiwan Personal Identification Number for both items. ... <看更多>